Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Kelly Watch

What's new with Chris Kelly?  I'm glad you asked.  Here's an itemized update from the man himself...

"1) CK is well.

2) 4 hours of sleep last night

3) I've completely done away with my New Years "no coffee" resolution.

4) If you call me from Italy saying you don't have the cash to pay your taxes, I shall have no pity.

5) "Every dumb thing I ever done in my life there was a decision I made before that got me into it.  It was never the dumb thing.  It was always some choice I'd made before it.  You understand what I'm sayin'?" - John Grady...genius.

6) I just wrote and then deleted a paragraph about a dream that I had about a Lil' Wayne look-a-like from AC.  His name was Richard C Brighton and ended up being Jacob in Lost.  This was all delivered to me via Jim Gardner of course.

7) CK is well."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Mark, thank you for this... for everything.