Friday, May 1, 2009

We're In Buenos Aires With Ben!

TMW is reporting live from Buenos Aires where we are enjoying some R&R with Ben who has been studying abroad in this fine city since February. He knows the lay of the land and his spanish is MUY BIEN so we know we're in for an amazing trip...
Day 1 included lunch at a super cool Scandinavian restaurant, a stroll through the Japanese gardens, a bottle of Malbec by the pool, a few rounds of Chinese Poker and now we're off for a naps...
Tonight we're checking out a private "supper club" for dinner at the home of a renowned local chef. Ben's find. Sounds amazing. Will let you know how it is tomorrow.
Until then, ciao, amigos! xxx M, M + B

Casa Felix

Buenos Aires, Argentina

The Scene: In steak-mad B.A., a fish- and veggie-focused supper club is a welcome dining option—even better that it’s in the cozy Chacarita neighborhood home of a 33-year-old vegan-leaning chef, Diego Felix, who enchants visitors with indigenous South American ingredients. He and his American girlfriend, Sanra, cook together, sometimes even inviting guests to pitch in. This is a convivial spot to sample new flavors—traditional dishes, Argentine wines, and especially local herbs, like minty peperina, which Felix grows in his own garden.


joleary said...

Wait, Mark: 48 hours in Vegas and not a single mention of a trip to Argentina piggybacked on the following weekend?

... Or maybe you did mention it?

Taking it a step further, was Vegas even real? I've certainly had dreams that were far less bizarre. Like, remember when Andy just randomly showed up on Saturday night? Strange, right?

Either way, enjoy Buenos Aires. Try to catch a Boca Juniors game while you're down there.

Inspiral Carpet said...

cool as f*ck.